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"Behavioral issues, not infectious diseases, are the number one cause of relinquishment to shelters and cause of death for dogs under 3 years of age"

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About Us

Socialization, What is it and Why is it Important?

Meet Tucker our sweet Tucky Ducky, our big baby our snuggle bug and the sweetest most gentle boy you've ever met. Also, the inspiration for our breeding program. You see,  Tucker wasn't always such a sweet boy. When we first got him we were already his 3rd owners, he was terrified of us it took days before he would let us pet him over a week for my son, which was devastating for a boy who loves dogs more than most people. Proper grooming was a no go, friends over forget it! the vet? you must be kidding. This dog was going to be a struggle and so we got to work.

We talked to trainers we read the research and it all pointed to one thing, poor socialization. The more we read the more we learned just how important early socialization is. We learned that well socialized puppies grow into confident, happy dogs that are able to adapt to different social environments. We learned that they have less behavior issues, they're easier to train and as a result are less likely to be rehomed or end up in a shelter. 


Fast-forward a year and a LOT of work and you can see that Tucker is in a much better place. He happily greets anyone that comes to the door, he's good with kids and is all about the snuggles. My son and him are best friends, you can find them cuddled up on the couch most days. He's more confident and curious in new situations and his gentle and kind nature really shines. He's easily the best dog we've ever owned but shhhh... don't tell the others. 


We did a lot of work to get Tucker to where he is today and don't get me wrong he's not perfect (I don't think he'll ever love going to the vet) but how much better could his life have been if he had been properly socialized from the time he was a baby? What if his breeder had laid the foundation for him to be successful from the start? These questions are the foundation of our breeding program. We want to give every one of our puppies the best foundation to grow into the happiest healthiest dogs they can become.


Want to Learn More About Our Socialization Program? Check Out Our Puppy Socialization Page 

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